Teacher's Folders

Sunday, November 27, 2011


I WISH YOU A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!What is your favourite Christmas song?? And film?? I'll start with one of my favourite songs for Christmas time:

Fairytale of New York by the Pogues

But I like many other songs about Christmas. Here you can see a photo of the Christmas concert that our school choir (Coral Padre Manjón) gave in San Jeronimo Church in Granada to commemorate their 25 years as a choir. And here you can listen to one their songs in that concert. Holy Night I like how they sing and I enjoy their concerts a lot. The song you can hear in this link is a favourite of mine!!

What about you?
Please, leave a comment here and say something about your favourite song and film about Christmas.

I'll tell you about my special Christmas film soon!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Our planet, our dirty planet

Don't you think our planet is too full of waste and rubbish?? What can we do with the huge amount of rubbish that we produce every day??

Have you got any ideas?? Here are some suggestions about how to reuse waste. What do you think of them??

Please, leave your ideas here.

Some people in the class have suggested films about Environment. This is the list of films that may be interesting for us,

Now, what do you think?