Teacher's Folders

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Do you remember the text that you had to translate into Spanish as part of the exam last Friday? Here it is, just in case you have forgotten it


The Freecycle website calculates that they’re saving 300 tons of waste a day. In one year, that’s the equivalent to four times the height of Mount Everest. It’s clearly an environmentally friendly scheme, but it has an additional important advantage: members obtain objects that they need, but can’t afford to buy. Their slogan is ‘Changing the world, one gift at a time.’

And now, some of your suggestions:

- La página web de 'El circulo gratis' ...

- En un año es como una equivalencia de escalar el Monte Everest cuatro veces...

- En un año es un peso equivalente al de cuatro veces el peso del Monte Everest ...

- En un año este montón equivaldrá a ...

- En un año es equivalente a cuatro toneladas de hielo en el Monte Everest...

- Es una inmensa equivalente a cuatro veces la altura del Monte Everest...

Thanks for making me smile and even laugh sometimes!!

I expect you do not mind my using these examples to show the rest of the class how funny your translations were. In general, the exams were quite good and I know that all these mistakes are due to all the stress you have been suffering from so many exams in the last two weeks of the term.

Thanks again!