Teacher's Folders

Unit 5. What did she tell you?

Love is all around you

In this unit you are learning how to tell someone what another person told you, or asked you or ordered you to do.
This is called 'Reported Speech'. It is not so difficult as you may think; it is just a matter of common sense and a lot of practice. 
It would be much better if we could do this practice in class, just speaking to each other; but with 35 students in the class, this is an almost impossible task. That is why it is so important for you to do all the exercises that you find about this topic in your student's books, in the workbook and in class.

Here is the first part of The Love Story that we saw in class. Please, use it for revision.   

Here you can find all the exercises we have been doing in class. When I say 'we' I mean just the few of us who have attended lessons this month: Exchange, School trip, visitors and a strike. We've had a bit of everything, except lessons!!

Have a look at these presentations. Pay attention, do all the exercises in your notebooks, check that they are correct, and, finally, ask me if there is something you don't understand. 
 And all this BEFORE  the exam NEXT WEEK!!!
REPORTED SPEECH - A Love Story- Part 1
REPORTED SPEECH - A Love Story - Part 2


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