Teacher's Folders

Monday, April 27, 2009

Take us to the movies, please!!!!!

In chapter 13 of the book TEACHER MAN Mr McCourt takes his students to the movies. This is rather stressful because the students are really excited about this and they don't pay much attention to what he says. For some of the boys and girls it is their first time at a movie theater and they find the experience fascinating.

Today, in our English lesson I have also taken you to the cinema.
We have seen some minutes of four different films:
- West Side Story -1961
- A rebel without a Cause
-1955 - Grease - 1978
Dead Poets' Society - 1989

These four films have something in common: The all deal with young people or teenagers who have more or less serious problems with other people of the same age, friends, parents, teachers ....
Have a look at the information provided here and try to see at least one of the films in this list. Write a short text about the film you choose and say why you think other people should/shouldn't see it.


  1. I just wanted to say that i am in LOVE with grease!ª!! i love that moviee...!!:D
    i also liked the beginning of the movie west side story!:D

