Teacher's Folders

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Daaani =)

Dani said he was 17 years old and that he had been born in Granada. But since he was a baby he had lived in a house in Peligros.He told me he lived with his parents and his sister and his brother, who was younger than him and he was older than her. He had an iguana.I asked him what he did on Sunday, and he answered he was sleep. He also said his hobbies were go out with his friends.He added he was very good at cooking!
He also said he did read “treat or trick”.He told me he could speak English, French and Spanish and he had been to France and England.The person he respected the most was his mother and the person who had influenced him the most was his mother again.He said he didn't like liar people. Dani said he preferred evenings and he liked sunsets more than sunrises.He said he wouldn't like to be famous.He told me he had worked in a farm.When I asked him about his parents, he described his father as sympathetic and he said his mother was the best in the world.

Martita :D

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