Teacher's Folders

Monday, June 1, 2009


Gema said that she was 17 years old and that she had been born in Granada where she had lived all her life.
She said that she lived with her parents and her sister, who was older than her, and her pet, a cat called Leo in a flat near the school.
I asked her what she did on Sundays and she answered that she spent her weekends sleeping and studying! She also said that her favourite hobbies were cooking, eating (mainly pasta and pizza), cycling and playing volleyball.
She added that she was very good at swimming and shopping!!. She told me that she also liked reading and the last book that she had read was 'El Mercado y la Globalización'.
Gema said that she could speak Spanish, English and French and she had been to Portugal but she hadn't been to France or Great Britain.
The people she respected the most were her parents and her teachers, and the person who had influenced her the most was a former best-friend.
Gema said she preferred evenings to morning or afternoons and she liked sunsets more than sunrises.
She said that she wouldn't like to be famous and she had never met a famous person.
She told me she had worked as a waitress and as a baby sitter.
When I asked her about her parents, she described her father as nice, friendly and hard-working and she said her mother was hard-working too but more serious than her father.
Ah! She said that she didn't like stupid people and neither do I!!!
I don't know whether Gema has a boyfriend or not and I ignore her plans for the future.

I think Gema is a nice hard-working girl and I'm sure she will be a great woman in the future.

Good luck in life, Gema, and thanks for answering all my questions.

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