Teacher's Folders

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Martin's return

Pablo Martin Escabias said he was 16 years old and that he had been born in Granada. He told me he lived with his parents and his brother, who was younger than him. He said him that he had studied in Compañía de María and that he was new in the Manjon school.
He hadn't pets, however he likes dogs.
He also said his favourite hobbies were going out with his friends and playing football. He told me he could speak English and Spanish, because French is hard for him. He added he had never been abroad.
The person he respected the most was his mother and the person who had influenced him the most was his father.
He said he didn't like talkative people. Pablo said he preferred evenings and he liked sunrises. He said he wouldn't like to be famous, but yes rich. He told me he had never worked. I asked him about love, he didn't tell me anything.

By Naftor (Pablo G)

1 comment:

  1. Naftor, another good post of yours! Since Pablo is so shy I suppose it must have been difficult to get some much information from him!!!
