Teacher's Folders

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Pilar!! ;D

Doña Pilar told me that she was fifty something years old and she had been born in Linares. I think that she hasn’t a good memory, because she told me that she didn’t remember her phone number.
She told me that she lived in Granada where she had lived all her life. Now she lives with her husband (who is a teacher in my high school). And she said that in her family she had four sisters and three brothers, and that she was in the middle of them.
Doña Pilar said that her father had died, but he had been the most influential person in her life, and that her mother was a hard-working person, a bit ironic and serious too.
She said that she had been studying English since she was four years old, but I’m not sure this was true. She had learnt to speak French too. She told me that she had visited France, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, Germany, Morocco and Tunisia.

She said that she wasn’t very tall, because she was only 1,62 m tall She told me that when she was a child she liked and dreamed to be famous, so she was happy when she later met the famous actress Victoria Abril.
On her hobbies, she said that she loved cycling in her mountain bike. She told me that she was very bad at swimming and singing. On the contrary, she was good at taking photos. She told me that her favourite food was paella, but she wasn’t good at cooking. She said that she was fond of reading and that the last book she had read was “Anatomía de un instante”.
She told me that, before teaching, she had done some other jobs, as cleaning rooms in a hotel. She said that she hated people who were lazy, although she was most respectful with everybody.
She said that she loved sunrises and sunsets, so she felt better in the morning that she did in the afternoon or in the evening.


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