Teacher's Folders

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


My country is Finland, so the people that live in this country are Finnish.
The official languages used in this country are Finnish and Swedish. The political system is the Republic, the current president is Tarja Holonen and the Prime Minister is Matt Vanhanen.

The population is 5,3 million people and the currency is Euro.
It´s bordered by Russia and Sweden and it is surrounded by the Norwegian Sea.
The Capital city is Helsinki and the total area is 338000 square kilometres.
This country has been a member of the European Union since 1995.
The most typical Finland's dish is Nordic snacks; it is called Smörgasbord.

Another typical dish is fish, as, for example, herring, or mushrooms.
I think that I wouldn't like to live here because it's a very cold country.

1 comment:

  1. Good work Anita.
    But ..... Aren't there any important people born in Finland??
    And I think you should have said something about the lakes. The Wikipedia says : 'There are 187888 lakes in Finland larger than 5 ares (500 square metres'!!!!
