Teacher's Folders

Monday, April 25, 2011

Radio Nevis

Hello, this is Radio Navis!
Today, in our five o'clock programme, we're going to remember the interview that we did last Monday to Claudio Navarro, a soldier from Granada.

First, I asked him how many years he had been in the Army. He answered that he had been working for the Spanish Army Forces since he was 29.

Then, I wanted to know what his job was in the place where he worked, and he said to me that he was a nurse, and that his job consisted on giving injections to vaccinate the soldiers who needed them before going to another country for a mission.

After that, I told him to explain us in which military rank he was. He said he was a captain, a three-star captain! When he said it, I was so pleased!

Just then, I asked him for the missions in which he had been, too. He told us he had been in two missions, one abroad and the other in a group of isles in Spain, called "Las Chafarinas". The mission abroad was in Lebanon, a country which was in war at that moment. I also wanted to know how long he had been there. He said he had stayed five months there, in Lebanon.

Finally, I asked him whether he would have to go on another mission in the future. He answered that of course he would. Actually, it was his work life!

Well, we've learnt that military life is difficult, isn't it? Fortunately, now military service ("la mili") doesn't exist...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this interview, Pablo.
    Something original, at last!!
