Teacher's Folders

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Hi, good afternoon! Yesterday we had the pleasure of interviewing the NBA basketball player, captain of the Chicago Bulls and maybe the MVP of this NBA season (due to his work in the basketball court)... Derrick Rose!

First of all, I’ve asked him how he felt after passing the first round of the NBA play-offs, beating ‘Indiana Pacers’. He answered me that he was satisfied with his team and also that the following matches they would play better.

After this, we started talking about his career as a professional basketball placer.

I asked him if he had enjoyed the high school. He answered me ‘Of course!’, he said that he had won two state championships with his high-school ‘Simeon Career Academy’ (never before one team had done that in Illinois(his home town))

Then, I asked him if he had been a good student at the university. He told me that he hadn’t been a wonderful student but neither a bad one. Also, he told me that he played in the ‘Tigers’ from the University of Memphis but there he hadn’t won anything.

After that, I asked him how his beginning at the NBA had been. He answered me that it had been an honour to be selected in the first position at the 2008 NBA Draft for the Chicago Bulls. Also he told me that in his first year at the NBA it had been amazing to play ‘The All-Star weekend’.

After this question, I asked him if he had received any award. He told me that he had received the award of ’NBA Rookie of the year’ due to he played very well in his first season at the NBA.

Then, I asked how it had been for him to be injured in his second season at the NBA. He answered me that it had been very hard to overcome that; however he said that it had made him stronger.

Finally, I asked him what his trick had been to become such a good basketball player. He looked at me and told me that YOU HAD TO TRAIN VERY HARD EVERYDAY TO BECOME A STAR

Finally, I thanked him for answering my questions!

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