Teacher's Folders

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Hi! My name is Celia and this is the interview which I did to my sister last week:
I did an introduction saying that she is Angela, she was thirteen years old, she lived in Granada and she was going to talk about her favourite sport, table tennis. Then, I started with the questions:
I asked her how she had begun in that special sport, and she said to me that she had begun because her father really liked that sport and he had opened a school of table tennis seven years ago.

The second question I wanted to know was what the most important competition that she had won was. She said that the most important competition was when she had won the Table Tennis Spain Tournament a year before because she had to train really hard.
And the last question I asked her was if she could play other sports, which one it would be. She said that she loved football and she played it really well, so she would play football if she could.
I couldn't ask more questions because she had to pack her suitcase and to be concentrated because that day she had an important tournament in Valladolid.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Celia, thanks for the post.
    Perhaps one day your sister will be as popular as Rafa Nadal!!
