Teacher's Folders

Sunday, May 1, 2011

An interview in Marbella

Last weekend I went to Marbella to "The Costa del Voley" tournament and I asked the captain,of the team "Las Gabias", whether there was a high level at that tournament and he answered that there was but it wasn't the hardest tournament.

Next I thought that it was interesting to ask him about our possibilities of being the champions. He answered me, after laughing for a couple of minutes, that the tournament would be really hard for us.

After the first match, which we played pretty well, I went to ask him once agian because his face was really funny during the match.

I wanted to know how he thought that we had played and he answered that we had played better than all the matches that we played that year.

Before I asked him I went to speak to the people in my team and I asked them if they were having fun during that match. Everybody said they had enjoyed the match a lot!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Raul!
    It's great to see that we have so many people interested in sports in our class, and so many people that practise sports!!
