Teacher's Folders

Monday, May 16, 2011

Interview with Javi Cantero

Hello, we are here in your favourite radio channel “Basket FM”. Just a few days ago, here was our future NBA star, Javier Ramírez Cantero, better known as “Javi Cantero”. After a short presentation, I started the interview.

First, I asked him what he thought about his team this year. He answered he was very happy because they hadn’t lost a match until that day, but they had a very difficult match the following day.

Then, I inquired him if he would change to another team the following year and laughing, he told me that it was too soon to think about it and he would think about it at the end of the year.

Finally, I wanted to know which NBA team he would choose when he did the leap. He thought about it for two minutes and finally he said he would really like to play at the Golden State Warriors.

That was all, because our young star was very busy and he had to prepare his match and to go training.


  1. Thanks for the interview, Antonio
    How's your foot??

  2. It's not bad. I'm starting to do sport again. Thanks fo asking
