Teacher's Folders

Monday, May 30, 2011

The telephone

The need for remote communication is as old as man. The invention of the telephone created a world without distances.

The reason of this revolution is Alexander Graham Bell, who in 1876 invented the telephone.

He was born in Scotland, he received his doctorate in medicine and he taught himself to speak well to people with problems with hearing. In one of his experiences noted that, when speaking in front of a thin layer of metal, it vibrated in a way very similar to the voice. By placing the membrane around an electromagnet, the electric flux could repeat what you had said, and could be transmitted by an electric cable.

And he managed to transmit the first sentence of the story told by telephone, which said:
"Mr. Watson, come here, I need you help".

The first plants could accommodate a few subscribers. The terminal operator entered the cable from the caller to contact with someone, the one hand, and the contact that is called in another.

The phone has evolved until the current mobile phones. At first there were phones only in places specialized, then they came to the houses and now they can be transported where you want.
Scientists are still investigating and no one knows what the future holds.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Auri!
    I am happy to see you here, in our blog!
    I expect you will come more often, now that you know how to write and upload 'posts'.
