Teacher's Folders

Monday, June 20, 2011

My interview

Last Saturday , when the Granada C. F. won the match which played with Elche, I started to talk with my grandfather who was one of the persons that in 6th April 1931 founded the team of the city.
The first thing that I asked him was how he feel about the match, he said to me that he was very proud of his team, but she also said to me that he was embarrassed because of the hooligans of the team that are called "Seccion kolokón" because when the team of Elche was in Granada they started to threw stones and cans.
Then I asked him about the best goal that the Granada CF has achieved in its history and he answered me that in 1959 the Granada CF was second in the ¨Copa del Generalisimo¨ now called ¨copa de s. m. el rey¨, I wanted to know which was the team that won this tournament and he told me that was the Barça, this made me disappointed. At last he made me choose between the Granada and the Real Madrid, I haven't answered yet, and I think that I'll never do it.

This interview isn't real because I've never met my grandfather but I think that he would have answered on this way

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