Teacher's Folders

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Franklin

The Franklin travels with the Man of Law. He has a white beard, and he is a gentry land-owner, a member of the nobility.

One of the most important obligations of this social role is to provide generous hospitality, so he keeps his pantry well-stocked with food and wine. Unlike most noble hosts, who would generally take apart their table between guests to make room for other things in the hall, the Franklin keeps his table ready and waiting at all times.

He takes pleasure in eating and drinking, and in providing pleasure to others with entertaining.
The Franklin also is a "knight of the shire," or advisor at parliamentary sessions, and has served as a sheriff and tax auditor. This public service coupled with his generous hospitality and cheerful temperament mark the Franklin as an upstanding representative of his social class.

When he is going to tell his story, the Franklin begs the indulgence of the crowd because he is an uneducated man and simple in his speech. He has never learned rhetoric, and he speaks simply and plainly. His story is a traditional Breton tale, which is focuses on issues of providence, truth and generosity in human relationships.

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