Teacher's Folders

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Plowman

My character is a plowman. He plows the fields with manure.The plowman uses manure from animals to plow the fields to fertilize the soil. The plowman is a peasant, which is a low social standing. There is no education needed to be a plowman, and the majority of plowmen at this time cannot read or write. This indicates that he is poor but earns enough to pay his taxes and therefore is not living in complete debt and poverty.

This character is a very chivalrous workman, just as the knight was. By looking closely at this character's, it can be inferred that he is the type of individual who would gladly work for a person without pay. He pays all his Church taxes on time, and is a devoted churchgoer. This citizen treats his neighbour as he would want to be treated, making him well-liked. He is a decent human being, and portrays a hard-working, devoted citizen, giving him much in common with the chivalrous knight. The Plowman is stressed as the example of an ideal middle class citizen.

"A trewe swinker and a good was he,

Living in pees and parfit charite;"

The Plowman wore a tabard smock and rode a Mare. The plowman had many job skills such as: thrashing corn, digging ditches, scooping manure, or crushing and plowing soil.The Plowman's brother is the Parson. He does not tell a tale.

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