Teacher's Folders

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Interview to Joaquín Sabina

Joaquín Sabina
Yesterday I had the opportunity to meet Joaquín Sabina in his house at Madrid.

I took a train on Tuesday morning and four hours later I was there, with one of the best Spanish songwriters in history.

His life is full of stories which are told in fourteen albums and I had the opportunity to talk with him and ask him some questions.

We were in the living room; he was sitting on the sofa and drinking and small glass of whisky while he chatted with self-confidence with me.

My first question was about the time when he was staying in Granada. I asked him about what his favorite place in the city was and why. He answered that it was the garden which is around the Alhambra because it was so calm and beautiful.

Later, I talked to him about his experience with George Harrison in London. He, even, gave a tip (£5) to Joaquín after he sang in a Café and people often said that he still keeps it with him. I asked him if it was true. He told me that he drank the tip that night.

Finally, (I knew that he is going to come to Granada in September with Serrat) I asked him if he will play his classic songs. He answered that he is going to play even 'La Canción más Hermosa Del Mundo'.

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