Teacher's Folders

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My best friend.

She is my best friend, her name is Inés.
I met Inés 17 years ago. Inés is the best person in the world, and I love her so much. Our story is a really curious story. 
Our mums have been friends since they were at university, and they got pregnant at the same time. This is why we are best friends.
I wanted to ask Inés some questions about our friendship so I went to her house. Inés was doing her homework. I asked her if she could give me 5 minutes and she answered she could. Then I asked her if she remembered the first time she saw me. She was thinking for a moment and finally she said that it was impossible, because we'd met at hospital. 
In that moment, I was really excited, we've been friends all our lives! Only few people can say 'We've been friends all life'. This is why I told her that I didn't want to miss her ever, because she had become an essential person in my life. She gave me a hug and we started  crying. Finally we ended laughing. I reminded her that I love her and I thanked her for everything, she told me that I would always be her sister, no matter what could happen in the future.

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