Teacher's Folders

Friday, June 1, 2012

Lionel Andrés Messi

The other day I was running in Garcia Lorca’s park, and I saw a man running behind me. I turned around and I saw that he was Leo Messi. At first I was a bit surprised but suddenly I remembered that I had to do an interview for an English project, so I decided to ask him some questions.

I started asking him if he really was Messi and he answered me that of course he was so I went to the next question. “So what are you doing here?” I asked, and he began telling me a story. He said that when he came here to Granada to play a football match, he fell in love with the city and the weather, so he sometimes came here for having a break.

Then I ventured to ask him some personal details. I asked him which goal of all of his is his favourite one. He was thinking for a while and then he answered me that it was the goal that he had scored against the Real Madrid in the Champions last year. He told me that he must go to the hotel and then to the airport because he had to train for the final of the Cup so he moved away after saying goodbye to me.

In the end I didn’t run much but that day I met my favourite football player.

1 comment:

  1. I think that the students in this class are really lucky. You met Leo Messi in Garcia Lorca Park, Nacho met Brian May in the Canary Islands, Alfonso met Pink in a music festival. Somebody met Sergio Ramos, and another girl in the class met Angelina Jolie!!!
    I have never met such important people!!
