Teacher's Folders

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Halloween Night.

And suddenly , Samantha screamed, I was very frightened because I didn't understand what my eyes were seeing, it was impossible! 

Well, I will start the story at the beginning . It was the Halloween Night, Robert, my best friend thought that we could go to the cemetery, we were very excited for that idea so we went there. Nothing happened when it was 12 o' clock at night.

 I was with Samantha, Kevin, Kate and William, telling horror stories. At this moment I was terrified. And suddenly, Samantha screamed, I was very frightened because I didn't understand what my eyes were seeing, it was impossible!  IT WAS A ZOMBIE! 

We ran out the cemetery when I fell, the zombie was closer and closer to me and I was more and more frightened, but when he was next to me, he put his hand on his head and he took off the mask, the zombie was Robert!! He was the joker of the group, hum very funny... I thought.


  1. Hello, Blanca. A really frightening story!!
    Thanks for your work!

  2. this story is very interesting and it´s very good! :)

  3. Without any doubt this is the best scary story that I have ever read in English, very easy to undertand because of it´s simple vocabulary and I love the way the story is told, I´m thrill of the level that I found in the story and I insist that this story should be published in a newspaper or something.Everyone should read this amazing story.

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