Teacher's Folders

Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas has come!

   My opinion about Christmas is that it is a time when people try to be more generous. We have different ways to live it: like a normal holiday or a time when the whole family gathers for an important event.

It is also fun because we get gifts and it is an excuse to spend time with your family.

My favorite song about Christmas is


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Enjoying Christmas!

It's Christmas! This is the time when people are happy for different things, for example, seeing people loved by them, spending time with family, or, for the kids, that they are given presents which are brought by Santa Claus and the Three Kings.
There are many traditions in Spain and in other countries where Christmas is celebrated.  In Spain, for instance, we have Christmas Eve,  when family celebrates a big dinner and we also have the Three Kings' parade on January 5th
In England there are other traditions, such as: on Christmas Eve, children leave their socks in the fireplace for Santa Claus, who fills them with gifts and they also have "Boxing Day", which  is celebrated on December 26 when workers received their bonus (a gift that sometimes can be money)

There are many films about Christmas, such as "Home Alone", which is  a family comedy.

And there are some Christmas songs too, like "Santa Baby", which is an old song originally sung by Eartha Kitt in 1953.

I hope you're enjoying your holidays, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!


Hi! This is my favourite Christmas movie
and this is my favourite song about Christmas
All You Need Is Love

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Friday, December 21, 2012


Hello friends! The movie that I like about Christmas is "The Polar Express"
The film has got a  very funny Christmas spirit and it is really amusing!!

One of the Christmas songs that everyone knows is "Jingle Bells". I hope that everyone listens to this song


Thursday, December 20, 2012

My opinion about Christmas

I love Christmas because it is so nice to see the illusion of children waiting for Santa Claus gifts, to see all families together and to have good resolutions for the new year. These days are also for people who miss a family member because they are  not present. 
Many people do not feel so cold and lonely in this time of the year.
 I am happy to see that another year we are all together again. Family laughing and being all my cousins ​​around the fireplace telling each other the stories that have happened to us since the last time we met.
Here is favourite Christmas song, because I remember my childhood. http://youtu.be/E8gmARGvPlI

And this is my favourite Christmas film : http://youtu.be/P8nzbUR9dgI

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Well, I think we all love Christmas Holydays not just because we don´t have to go to school, but because everthing´s better at Christmas.

We see those who we love and we haven´t seen for a long time, like cousins, uncles and aunts, grandparents, and like in my case brothers and sisters.
In my family, this time is magical, because we can only meet all together at Christmas. We are nine in my family with my parents, and here in Granada, I only have my parents and my brother Pablo. So I´m always looking forward to see the other six together as a family.

I think Christmas can bring miracles with it, like friends who meet after many years or unfaithful people who start to have hope and believe in theirselves, their friends, their lives or God himself. Christmas makes us better persons, less selfish, and finally happier.
It is the most beautiful time of the year, so get ready, something magnificent is coming!


Here is my favorite Christmas Song
White Christmas - The Drifters

And my favorite Christmas movie
Home Alone II

Have a great Holidays boys!!

Christmas Time!

Hi! This is my favourite Christmas' song:  I want a Hippopotamus For Christmasand my favourite Christmas' film: The Grinch. I hope you like it! Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


This is my favorite song about Christmas.
This is my favorite film about Christmas.

I hope you like and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Young People drink too much Alcohol at weekends

There are two important reasons why young people drink alcohol at weekends.

A young person if her/his friends drink, she drinks too because it is the best way to make a lot of friends and you get on well with people. Although this isn't true: alcohol doesn´t make you nice, alcohol can make you stupid!

Another reason is because of shiness. They think that if you drink, you won't be shy and you will speak about anything, but under the effects of alcohol you don't think coherently.

Drinking alcohol is very bad, alcohol can damage your health. If you want to enjoy the evenings and have good weekends, you just have to be you. You can have a good time doing things such as going to the cinema, going to the park and playing cards...

Enviromental problems in Spain

  Spain has very serious environmental problems, and they will be very bad in the future if we don´t do anything now.
  One dramatic problem is the lack of water. In Spain there are lots of regions that don´t have the water that the population need, because it rains very little. For instance the zones of the south of Spain, such as Almería, Granada, Jaén…
  Another problem is pollution. The smokes of the industry and the exhaust fumes of the cars are causing a hole in the ozone layer and health problems in people.
Water pollution
  The other important environmental problem in our country is the forest fires that destroy lots of places and they cause an important environmental damage.

Illegal rubbish dump

  We have to change these situations. First we should save the water, and we shouldn't waste it. Secondly the Government should respect the Kyoto Protocol and we shouldn't contaminate so much, and finally, we should be careful with our forests, especially in summer.
  Finally, I predict that Spain will be a great place in the future and we´ll use only renewable energy sources. Therefore, everybody will enjoy of our great country.


Hello, today is a very important day.
We are going to start our class diary. Here we are going to write about our life at school and at home.

We are very happy because Christmas holiday starts on Friday. But we are not happy about our marks.

Here is a song about Christmas.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Our Planet

What's this called in English???
Here is a presentation about Environment.

Rubbish may become art!!


In this presentation you can find some vocabulary about this important issue. It will be very useful to learn and revise this difficult topic.

In this page you can find some ideas about things that you can reuse.

Which idea do you find the most interesting?? Please, leave a comment with your answer.
 A simple and useful idea