Teacher's Folders

Thursday, December 20, 2012

My opinion about Christmas

I love Christmas because it is so nice to see the illusion of children waiting for Santa Claus gifts, to see all families together and to have good resolutions for the new year. These days are also for people who miss a family member because they are  not present. 
Many people do not feel so cold and lonely in this time of the year.
 I am happy to see that another year we are all together again. Family laughing and being all my cousins ​​around the fireplace telling each other the stories that have happened to us since the last time we met.
Here is favourite Christmas song, because I remember my childhood. http://youtu.be/E8gmARGvPlI

And this is my favourite Christmas film : http://youtu.be/P8nzbUR9dgI

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


  1. so pretty conchi, it is very nice :) i see you're learning a lot watching Smallville in english!! keep it up! love you

  2. i love your favourite movie too, it's so funny hahah :)

  3. Good post, Conchi. I don't know the name of the film and the name of your favourite song either. Can you please include both things in your post? Thanks!

  4. Yes yes, I'm learning a lot of watching Smallville in English :P This Chritmas I'm wathing the 6º season :P hahaha. Love you Fa:)
    Teacher,if you give the link is to youtube and you can see the trailer of the movie and the song. You're welcome

  5. P.S: the film is: Four Christmases and the song is : Last Christmas- George Michael.

    1. I mean, can YOU include both names in your post, please??
