Teacher's Folders

Thursday, January 10, 2013

My great exchange to Worthing.

It was two years ago. I was in my English lessons and my English teacher wanted to tell us some news, a Spanish teacher from Granada who was working in Worthing (England) wanted to do an exchange with people from my school and her school especially people of my age, 
My teacher thought that it was a good idea and he chose ten students to go there and in Worthing, Eva (Spanish teacher) did the same for ten people to come here. 
The next day I was really nervous because my teacher told us who was going to go. Fortunately I was chosen and I had my exchange with a great person, Emily. 
The day to go Worthing came very fast and when I was there in front of theis school I couldn't believe it. I went inside with my friends and when I saw Emily the fist time I felt good and I knew that we were going to have a very good time. 
We went to her house after that and her family was amazing. I practiced a lot of English during that week. I met all Emily's friends, they were very nice with me and some of the guys were very handsome. 
I went to the beach and I visited Brighton a town near Worthing. One day I went to her school and I had all the lessons that she had. The school is very different that here but the subjects are the same.
My staying was short and the last day I was very sad. I didn't want to come back here and Emily want to have me more time. 
I got on the bus and Emily and I promised to keep in touch.
Now I remember this amazing experience and I can say that it's the most fantastic experience of my life. I'm never going to forget it. 

1 comment:

  1. Very good post, Eva. It is great to see your photo and your experience here in the blog!
