Teacher's Folders

Thursday, January 17, 2013

New Year's Resolutions.

All of you know that the New Year's Resolutions never come true. Not always. And after that, the next year we have the same resolutions. But you've gotta get up and try, try, try. (Like this song says) Firstly, I have to say that I have a lot of dreams. Therefore, here are my New Year's Resolutions:

-I'm going to visit my cousin in Madrid whenever I can. I haven't seen her since August.
-I'm going to learn to play the guitar.

-I'm going to be more free. And I'm going to love that freedom.
-I'm going to motivate myself thinking that I'll go to Madrid to live and study what I love.
-I'm going to give everything at the Physical Education dance like  last year.

-I'm going to go to a karaoke with my friends and sing all day.
-I'm going to dance more, like I did two years ago.
-I'm going to meet new music.
-I always do all the possible theatre

but this year I'm going to do more of that.
-I'm not going to worry about the insignificant things and care about great things I have.
-I'm going to be thankful for all the lovely people who are around me.

I can pass all my day writing resolutions, but here is my final and most important one:
-I'm never going to stop wishing.

I know, I'm a dreamer. But when the days are dark I always think on this beautiful song:

So, after telling you about all my resolutions, there is a thing that I have to say: the last thing that you can lose is hope.
Have a great year!


  1. What a nice post! It's very hopeful, you're optimistic and I'm sure that you'll achieve everything. Very lovely, Irene :)

  2. I agree with Isa. It is a great post, Irene.
    I am happy to know something about you. I had no idea about you being an artist!! or a future artist! That's a difficult world. So you will have to work very hard. But if you are really motivated you will achieve your dream.

  3. I really like your post, I agree with you on some things I want to do this year! and I LOVE THIS SONG :P
