Teacher's Folders

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Interview by Marina Hidalgo

Hello everybody, I decided to interview my best friend Irene.
I started asking her about her relationships and she told me that she considered herself  lucky because she had a few friends but they’re close :)
I asked her if she was a funny or a boring person and she answered me that she was funny! She said that she hated getting  bored so she liked things such as going with friends, laughing a lot, dancing … 
Then I told her if she was a gossip person or if people could trust  her and she commented me that she wasn’t gossip, all her friends could trust  her because she knew how to keep a secret.

Then, my interview changed and I asked her what future she wanted for her and she told me a common answer: “I want to be happy and study law at the university, to be a bit rich, make a family….”.  So I asked her why she wanted to be a lawyer and if she believed that she would achieve her goals. She said that she wanted to be a lawyer simply because she liked it and she said she believed that she would achieve her goals because she was competitive.

Finally I asked Irene if she got on with her family, she told me that she only got on with half her family but that half was very, very important for her, she loved her family and she was happy with them. 

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