Teacher's Folders

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My interview to Mario Casas

Last week Mario Casas was in Granada. I met him to ask him a few questions:
 I asked Mario what was the character he had most enjoyed acting and he replied to me that Angel "Group 7".
I asked him what he would have liked to be if he had not been an actor and he replied, laughing, that he had been a gym teacher before being an actor.
I asked him if he had any fear and he said to me that he was afraid of being alone.
I asked Mario which superhero he would like to play and he said that maybe he would like to play Batman.
I finally asked him if there had been a book that had marked him, and he said that 'Three Meters Above The Sky had marked him in many ways.


  1. I like the interview you did with Mario Casas, is very interesting.

  2. I love your interview with Mario Casas! he is very handsome and looks very smart.
