Teacher's Folders

Sunday, June 9, 2013

A zoo cleaner in Berlin Zoo.

Dear Pilar, 
I am writing in response to the advertisement for a zoo cleaner in Berlin Zoo which appeared in El Ideal de Granada last 29th of May. I enclose my CV and  I would also like to be considered for the job.
As you will see in my CV,  I worked cleaning the streets of my city, and also cleaning the house of my neighbour, so I have experience cleaning and I do it very well. I worked in a veterinary clinic looking after animals too.
I am suitable for the post because I work hard and I am perfectionist, I keep working until everything is perfect. I never complain about anything and I adapt to all situations. The most important thing is that I speak German.
I am very interested in this job because I would like to have a job and I am available to go anywhere.
I am available for July and August.
 I look forward to hearing from you soon.
 Yours sincerely,


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