Teacher's Folders

Monday, June 3, 2013

An interview with Leonardo DiCaprio.

This actor and producer was born in 1974. He was nominated nine times for the Golden Globes and won one of them; he visited Spain last week to promote his new movie "The Great Gatsby" .

I asked him some questions about his career, some of theme were for example: What was your inspiration to enter in the world of cinema? and he answered me that his father loved everything about the show and since he was a child he had had interpretation classes until the producers of the TV series "Santa Barbara" hired him, helping to become famous.

He starred  films like "Titanic", which won 11 Oscars, directed by James Cameron, or "Inception" which received 8 nominations.
Leonardo DiCaprio was very lovely, simple and friendly when I interviewed him and I hope that in his next work I can re-interview him.

Here, you can see the full interview.


  1. Are you trying to fool us or is this simply a dream in your head that never materialized?
    Please, don't tell me this is all a figment of your imagination.
    The spot for the interview is BLANK, lady.

  2. Hi,
    Didn't your read this was a blog for students of English? In my class the students don't have to be sincere. Their interviews, essays, writings, posts, etc.... don't have to be true. They only need to do them correctly and show they know the language, have imagination and possess a good sense of humour!
    Have a nice day!
