Teacher's Folders

Friday, June 21, 2013

My Interview - Marina

I decided to interwiev my best friend, Marina. Why her? Because she is the person that I most admire. She is very strong and we have overcome many things together.

First, I asked her that which were her best qualities, she said me that she was constant, hardworking, responsible  and sociable.

Then I asked her that what traits changed of herself, she replied that she shouldn't get angry for some things. I asked her which were her hobbies, Marina replied that she love play the piano, sing, dance and act.

<---- Marina

Marina said me that she play the piano since 2005. Also I asked her which had been the happiest moment of her life and she replied that it was when she gave her piano.

I asked her that which were her goals and she replied that she would like have a good job and be happy and free. I was curious to know what she wanted to work and before I ask her, she said that she wanted investigated the human brain, because it seemed very interesting.

I asked her if she liked travel, she replied that she loved it, and she really would like travel to Nordic countries and Venice, she said me that her trip most important was the Mediterranean cruise.


Finally I asked her what thing had to do before her died, she replied that she wanted to do bungee jumping together, jajajaja.

Thank you for this interview.   I love you


  1. Great interview, and great post!! Thanks!!
    Have a wonderful summer holiday!

  2. Estimada Pilar,
    Mi nombre es Rosa Mª Bernal y soy estudiante de doctorado de la Universidad de Murcia. Para mi tesis doctoral estoy realizando una investigación que pretende explorar la blogosfera educativa en el territorio español. En la última fase de la investigación, necesito de su colaboración para poder concluir el estudio.

    Contacto con usted dado el interés que suscita su labor como bloguera dentro del ámbito educativo. Somos conscientes del compromiso altruista de todo aquel que en un momento dado decide crear un blog y mantenerlo actualizado a lo largo del tiempo, una decisión que abre “una ventana abierta al mundo” con un amplio abanico de posibilidades (publicar información del trabajo diario, colaborar con otros profesionales, difundir experiencias, compartir recursos, etc.).

    Nos gustaría contar con su experiencia y opinión. Por este motivo, agradeceríamos que dedicara parte de su tiempo a la cumplimentación de un cuestionario online. Esta información es muy valiosa y sin su colaboración, difícilmente podríamos obtenerla.

    Debido a que no hemos localizado un correo electrónico de contacto a través de su blog, le rogaría que se pusiera en contacto conmigo (rosabg@um.es) y que fuera tan amable de facilitarme una dirección de correo electrónico donde enviarle dicho cuestionario.

    Gracias por su atención, espero su respuesta.


    Rosa Bernal
    Twitter: @rosabg
    Blog: http://materialesvirtuales.blogspot.com.es/
