Teacher's Folders

Saturday, June 8, 2013

My Interview with Xabi Alonso

My interview with Xabi Alonso!!!

Last Monday I went to Madrid and I could do an interview to the famous Madridist’s player Xabi Alonso. A great player in the ground and a best person face to face!

I: Hi Xabi nice to meet you, I am David García for Radio Granada and I am very happy to do you this interview.

Xabi: Hi David. Nice to meet you I am pleased too for do this interview, I hope that the questions are not very difficult (Laughs).

I: Ok, the first, How are you after the operation?

Xabi: I’m fine, thanks, I decided to have the operation very soon because I don’t want to miss more football matches.

I:  Are you sad because you can’t play the ConfeCup with Spain?

Xabi: Yes of course, a player wants to play the highest number of matches as possible, and a Tournament with Spain is special, but the first thing is the health.

I: So, do you think you will be able to play at the same level  next year?

Xabi: Yes, I hope so although I don‘t know how I will be in a few month's time, but I want to stay perfectly to play with my team.

I: Have you talked to Real Madrid about renewing your contract?

Xabi: Yes, Real Madrid is the best Club in the world and I want to play in Madrid, the team is very good and we dream to win the Champions League, and I’m sure that this year will be a reality.

I: OK, thank you very much for answering all my questions and good luck with the TENTH!

Xabi: Hahahahahaha. Thanks!

By García

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