Teacher's Folders

Monday, June 10, 2013

My interview

Interview with Adele

Yesterday I went to an Adele's concert and I could go to her private room for make her a interview.

- I asked her how she had become famous and she answered me that she hadn't hoped it but she was very happy.
- I asked her if she wanted to do more CDs and she replied me that she wanted to retire a time of life as a singer.
- I asked her that she had planned to do in your personal life and she said me that she wanted to marry and have children.
- I asked her what she made ​​whit the collected money and she told me that she donated it to an organization.
- I asked her if she would invite me to a concert and she replied me that  she was delighted that I was there

This was my interview and I was very happy to spent time with her.

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