Teacher's Folders

Monday, June 10, 2013

My interview.

Last week when I went to visit my aunt in Madrid I had the chance to go to a Noel Gallagher's concert (he was a member of Oasis till they split). During the concert I saw his manager, he was sitting next to me and I asked him if I could go to the backstage and do an interview when the concert had finished and he said I could, but only for a few minutes.

First of all I asked Noel how his life had been after he decided to start a solitary career and he answered me that his life hadn't changed too much, just only that nowadays he didin't have to work under pressure like on the best days of Oasis.

I asked him that what he would have done if he wasn't a singer and he replied me that he loved music, so just definitely, he would work in a job that was related to the music.

I asked him if he thought that Oasis would be back in one future and he told me that who knew, and that it didn't depend on him, rather on fate and on all the members of the group, and maybe some years later we may have a new CD of them.

Finally, I asked him if would return to Spain soon and he said to me that maybe not in a concert but that he was sure to be back here soon and have a holidays with his family.

That was my interview with Noel and I won't forget that day because it was one of the best days of my life.

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