Teacher's Folders

Sunday, June 9, 2013

My summer job

             Dear Pilar,

I am Concepción  and I am 18 years old. I am writing because I am interested in the job of taking care of horses. I think I am appropriate because I love  animals and nature. I believe the horses and I are very well good together because I am very careful with them all the time.
I think I am the person that you are looking  because I can make some activities with the horses and children with problems for example the Down Syndrome. More people have fun and the families have fun too. I believe the  horses are very calm and the families can relax for a moment.
My parents usually tell me that this is my job because they know my love for all animals and specially for horses. I have experience with these animals because some relatives have got horses and when I was younger I took care of the horses with my father and I know everything they need
Please, do not forget my request.
I would like to know the timetable and the salary.
If you gave me the job, I would be very grateful  because I need the money for university and to pay some debts

Yours sincerely, 


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