Teacher's Folders

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The second part of the interview

My interview with Xabi Alonso!!!

Last Monday I went to Madrid and I can do an interview to the famous Madridist’s player Xabi Alonso. A great player in the ground and a best person face to face!

_ First I asked Xabi Alonso how he was after the operation

_ Xabi, who is a nice person said that he was fine, that he decided to do him the operation as soon as possible, because he didn’t want to lose more football matches.

_ I asked him if he was sad because he couldn’t play the ConfeCup with Spain.

_ The answered was yes, he was sad because a player ever want to play the highest number of matches possible and the matches with Spain are specials, but the first was the health, he said.

_ I asked him if he thought that would be at the same level next year.

_  He said that yes, that he hope so, however he didn’t know how is going to be in a few months, and he said also that he wanted to be perfectly to play with his team.

_Then I asked him about his future like madridist and if he had talked with Real Madrid to renew his contract.

_ The answered was immediately, he answered that yes, that Real Madrid was the best Club and he wanted to play in Madrid. He also talked about the team, he said that the team was very good and everybody dreamt to won the Champions League and he added that next year won’t be a dream, will be a reality. I was surprised; his security in himself and in his team was incredible. And he convinced me that Real Madrid will be the best next year.

_ I finished the interview giving him lot of luck in Real Madrid.

¡¡¡Hala Madrid!!! By García

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