Teacher's Folders

Saturday, December 28, 2013

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014 !!!!

 Happy New Year 2014!!

I wish you the best things for this New Year that is about to start.

I just wanted to say hello again and wish you a very Happy New Year.
I think these words that I have included in the post are really appropriate for this time of the year.  They were written by an English writer that perhaps you already know. His name is Neil Gaiman. Perhaps you have read his comic books series, The Sandman or some of his novels,  Stardust, American Gods, Coraline, and The Graveyard Book.

"I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.

Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're Doing Something.

So that's my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody's ever made before. Don't freeze, don't stop, don't worry that it isn't good enough, or it isn't perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life.

Whatever it is you're scared of doing, Do it.

Make your mistakes, next year and forever.
”      Neil Gaiman

Friday, June 21, 2013

My Interview - Marina

I decided to interwiev my best friend, Marina. Why her? Because she is the person that I most admire. She is very strong and we have overcome many things together.

First, I asked her that which were her best qualities, she said me that she was constant, hardworking, responsible  and sociable.

Then I asked her that what traits changed of herself, she replied that she shouldn't get angry for some things. I asked her which were her hobbies, Marina replied that she love play the piano, sing, dance and act.

<---- Marina

Marina said me that she play the piano since 2005. Also I asked her which had been the happiest moment of her life and she replied that it was when she gave her piano.

I asked her that which were her goals and she replied that she would like have a good job and be happy and free. I was curious to know what she wanted to work and before I ask her, she said that she wanted investigated the human brain, because it seemed very interesting.

I asked her if she liked travel, she replied that she loved it, and she really would like travel to Nordic countries and Venice, she said me that her trip most important was the Mediterranean cruise.


Finally I asked her what thing had to do before her died, she replied that she wanted to do bungee jumping together, jajajaja.

Thank you for this interview.   I love you

Thursday, June 20, 2013

A summer job.

Dear Pilar,

I'm Rocío, I'm 17 years old and I'm studying Bachillerato. I'm writing in response to the advertisement for a person to take care of young children which appeared in a newspaper on 1 June 2013. I would like to be considered for the position and enclose my CV.

I think I'm the right person for this job because I have had other jobs to take care of young children. When I was 15 worked looking after a boy and his little sister. I have worked in this job for one year. Their mum was very happy with my job.

I am patient, I treat children as my mom taught me , I am organized and hard-working. I would also describe myself as very humble and cheerful: I am the perfect clown to make children laugh. I love children and they love me.

I'm available from the month of July. I really love this job and I would be happy to attend an interview. I look foward to hearing from you soon.

Your sincerely,


Discussion Essay. Experimenting with animals is immoral.

This topic is very interested to discuss because many people have different opinions about it. Ther are arguments both for and against it.

On the one hand, animals feel pain when humans experiment with them. Humans doesn't worried about the feels of the animals and they only look for their benefit.  
Experimenting with animals is immoral because some animal testing, such as research in to cosmetics, is unnecesary and the people aren't awareness about the bad condition of a few animals testing.

On the other hand, many experiments are necessary to save a lot of lives of human diseases and cure many sick. Scientists have to think that they are doing the best work because they find the way  to save lives.

In my opinion I'm against that the animals be used in unnecessary research and I think it is immoral because animals are too cute to suffer.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


The power of the frog

Once upon a time there was a king and queen. They lived in a lovely golden caravan and had a beautiful daugther, Cornelia.
But Cornelia was very unhappy. She never laughed or smiled.
''we will give a ring to the person who can make Cornelia happy'' said the queen. A musician came and played the piano, a fairy said a magic spell, and a jocker came and told jokes, but Cornelia didn´t smile or laught.
A young gardener came to work at the Queen's caravan. He came with his little frog. One day Cornelia saw the frog and started to smiled- then she laughed.
The queen heard her daughter and saw the frog. The frog was happy to get a ring.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Plans for summer

Plans for summer

- In summer I'll go to the beach for a few days and I'll distract with my friends

- I would like to go on a trip to Barcelona with my cousins

I'd like to visit Mojacar because I like the party

- Then I have to study hard to pass in September 



A motorbike is a vehicle for two people; thanks to it we can avoid traffic times and in summer is a comfortable and light means of transport.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Applying for a job

Dear Pilar,

I am writing in response to the advertisement for a guide for the Science Museum in Granada which appeared in Ideal newspaper last 29th of May. I would like be considered for the position and I enclose my CV.

As you will see from my CV, I have no experience as a guide but I think I could learn fast because I get very good science and I'm good talking to people. I love the world of science and I think I would know very well explain. I think I'm the perfect girl for this job.

I am suitable for the post because I am organized and I am very funny. I would also describe myself as a very sociable person: people love me so much and I have no problems with anyone. I am a hard working girl and I will not problems

I am available from early September and I would be happy to attend an interview. I hope you write back soon.

Your sincerely,


Saturday, June 15, 2013

My favourite song

My favourite song
One of my favorite songs is  ''Epic''  by Sandro Silva ft. Quintino because it makes me
 forget everything and  not think about my problems in just seconds

This type of music is called ''house'' and I love it so much

Interviewing Leo Messi

One day in 2013 my favourite team Barsa came to my city and I could interview Messi.

-I asked him if he had ever been to Granada before

-Messi answered me that he had never been to Granada

-I asked him where he had been of Andalusia sites

-He answered me that he once went to Sevilla, he said to me he was very excited that he loved that city because it was so beautiful 

Suddenly his representative told him that he had to leave that place, and finally Messi gave me a hug and he signed an autograph

Discussion essay -Students should be allowed to take their mobile phones with them to school?

Nowadays, the teachers don't allow you to take your mobile phones with you in any school and there are many different opinions about this:

One the one hand,  children should carry the mobile with them in case  some emergency happens . In addition, they could have it but leave away from them to avoid temptation.When mobile phones are prohibited at school, students feel more eager to bring their phones. Everybody knows that things forbidden are more attractive.

On the other hand, today, there have been many problems caused by children who take photos to their teachers and other children who have stolen money, phones.. and that is why mobile phones have been prohibited at school.

To sum up, the mobile phones should be allowed but under your own responsibility, knowing what may happen.

Discussion Essay

Professional footballers are overpaid
Many professional footballers are paid too much money for their work.

On the one hand, the work of a footballer does not have the same effort as the work of a builder. In addition the work of a builder is much more risky and dangerous, but unfortunately they earn less than a footballer. 
On the other hand there are also many players who are supportive and give some of their money to hospitals or other social sites with financial problems.

To sum up, I believe that footballer should be paid much less.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Applying for a job

Dear Pilar,

I'm writing in response to the advertisement for an assistant to a knife thrower in a circus which appeared in IDEAL on 29 May 2013. I would like to be considered for the position and I enclose my CV.
As you can see from my CV, I have experience in acting on stage. I have experience in dance, trapezium, stunts and acrobatics too. I'm a professional in the archery at the summers, so I have good aim. 

I'm suitable for the post because I'm creative, hard working and skilled. I would also describe myself as a very expressionist person: I'm good at pantomime. I have good and new ideas for shows. In addition, I like make laugh people and I'm extremely active.

I'm available from early July and I would be happy to attend an interview. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,


Discussion essay


Nowadays, many people are studying subjects that will be useless in the future for him or her. There are arguments for and against replacing those subjects.

On the one hand, some subjects are being studied at school and they will be useless and forgotten. These useless subjects could be replaced for more practical subjects for our future careers . If you study for the degree you want, you should choose the subjects useful for these studies and should not have to study the subjects you hate as this can be bad for you and your concentration. People always say that if you study what you like, you'll obtain better marks. This can be a good advantage.

On the other hand, many people think that all the subjects could be nice for the future. Changing some subjects could be a disadvantage for the life of someone, because many people have got problems to develop in life and those people should study the most general subjects without any possible choices. This is because you have to be trained before you can choose your subjects.

To sum up, I believe that more practical subjects should replace the subjects we are studying now because it is a waste of time to study subjects you will not see ever again in your life. I think students should be allowed to choose their own subjects  (Biology, Physics, Languages, Geography, History...). Nevertheless, some people have no idea what they like in life and this can be a problem for them. I think we do not have to live to work, but we have to work to live.

A summer job.

Dear Pilar,

I would like to enquire about the job offer which appeared in Ideal on  29th 2013. I would be grateful if you would take me into account for the position as a guide for the Science Museum in Granada.

I enclose my CV in order you can see my training and experience as a tourist guide. Last summer I was working as an assistant to a guide for the British Museum. At present, I spend my weekends as a guide in the Alhambra and Albaycin.

I am prepared for this job because I have a high level of English, French and Italian languages. Moreover, I consider myself a polite, organized and sociable person and I am looking forward to working in this area.

I have total availability from June to August. I would be happy to attend an interview.

Yours sincerely,


A summer job

Dear Pilar,

I am Patricia, I am 16 years old and I am studying Bachillerato. I'm writing in response to the advertisement for a camp monitor. I would like to be considered for the position.
I have experience of organising funny games and taking care of children, I was a camp monitor in other camps and last summer I used to look after children in families and other things, like helping around house.
I am suitable for the post because I am organized and hard-working. I am very sociable and a friendly person. Of course I am extremely active.
I am available from early July and I would be happy to attend an interview. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Patricia V.

Discussion essay

Animals should not be kept in zoos

Many people have different opinions about keeping animals in zoos. There are arguments for and against it.

On the one hand, zoos are like prisons, it is sad that animals are kept in cages, they can not be free.

In addition,  we make them feel pain and they are often traumatized and  animals suffer like humans. Poor animals!!

To sum up, I strongly believe that animals should be kept only for necessary research not just for pleasure and we could keep them just for a short time. I love animals!

Some of my drawings

Hello! As I promised to the teacher, here are some of my drawings. It is nothing spectacular but I think it isn't so bad. Drawing is one of my favourite things in life and I do it for  the fun of it. I hope you like them!

Sofia et Yves; For Lovers Only.
Haku & Chihiro; Spirited Away.

Mónica Naranjo; Adagio Tour.
Lana Del Rey.

My interview with my best friend

My interview

After much thought I decided not to make interview a famous person if not someone closer to me so that ye may be able check it I can I feel proud to be with people like that.

I have decided to interview a very special person to me, and to which I always shown their support in my hardest moments.

He laughs and a bit of shyness reveals how happy he is
with his life. I asked him what his secret, to what he answered that I was enjoying every moment of life and know how to work hard to be able to appreciate the result of all that work. I also decided to ask him about his future plans, he answered me very proud of himself, that he would study medicine at university next school year in some Andalusian city. That has been been his dream for a long time and is a clear example of fighter and worker.

Later I asked about their aspirations in life he answered be happy and help others among other such as being a good surgeon, learn a language more and travel more frequently.

Finally I told him how happy I am to be at his side and thanked everything he had done for me, he said that he does love me and that he always will be by my side for what I need.

Thanks for being you. Love you.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A summer job.

Dear Pilar,

I'm Margarita, I'm 16 years old and I'm studying Bachillerato. I'm writing in response to the advertisement for a swimming coach. 

I think I'm the right person for this job because I have been in swimming competition for three years training hard, and sometimes I had to make of trainer so I have some experience.

I am patient, I treat people as I wish to be treated, I would do everything to have a good team of swimmers and I would encourage them to overcome themselves.

I'm available from the month of July to August 15. I need some money and I really love this work, so I'd like to obtain it.

Your sincerely,


A summer job

Dear Pilar,

I am writing in response to the advertisement for a dance instructor which appeared in El Pais newspaper last 29th of May. I would like be considered for the position and I enclose my CV.

As you will see from my CV, I have experience of organizing dancing events.I have won several awards for ballroom dancing. My specialty is the salsa but I also really like the bachata. I teach girls aged 10 and 11 years and they love it!

I am suitable for the post because I am organized and I am very funny. I would also describe myself as a very sociable person: people love me so much and I have no problems with anyone.

I am available from early September and I would be happy to attend an interview. I hope you write back soon.

Your sincerely,



Tuesday, June 11, 2013

My favourite song

'Don't you worry child' by Swedish House Mafia, is my favourite song because it reminds me of people who I care and love.

This song makes me feel happy me when I want a party but I don't feel like having it. Or just when I need to forget the problems. Music is never bad for us, it opens our minds and turns off the world.

Here is the song:

Discussion Essay


There are some advantages and disadvantages f having only free public transport in cities.

On the one hand, the use of public transport helps the environment to avoid the car’s pollution. It also helps to improve urban mobility avoiding traffic jam.

On the other hand, some disadvantages are: 
   - Sometimes, the transport is saturated so you are not allowed to get in.  
   - Poor hygiene. 
   - You have to pay if you want to use the transport wherever you go.

To sum up, I think public transport would make a better mobility in the city, despite all disadvantages, it is good for our travels.

My interview with Rihanna

Some weeks ago, a singer who I look up to, Rihanna, came to Madrid, Spain, to give a concert.  I was excited because a TV program gave me the opportunity to do her an interview, so I travelled to Madrid to meet her.

When I first saw her, I asked her how her journey was. She told me that It was really long and she was very tired in that moment. While other girls and boys were asking her some questions, I took those minutes to take her a picture with my mobile phone. When it was my turn again, I asked Rihanna if she had planned visit the city or just chill out until the concert, so she replied me that she couldn’t go back to USA without seeing the beautiful city. She also said that she wanted to visit Barcelona but she thought she wouldn’t have enough time so she would come back to Spain soon. I couldn’t believe what she was telling me, it means, I will be able to see her again.

Finally I asked her if she felt like doing the concert to make people happy which the answer was that doing concerts was the best thing she had done in all her life because for those hours people who go to listen and see her is happy and only think to enjoy forgetting problems.

Rihanna said that she loved seeing smiles from the stage.  

My goals for summer

My goals for summer

This summer I am going to Venice which is a city I always wanted to visit because Venice is the city of love! I have planned to go to Venice in August and in July with my family.
Unfortunately this summer I will have to study philosophy because I will have to take the exam in September and I have to get a good mark.

The rest of the summer I will be at my house in Santa Fe, which has got a swimming pool.
This will be my summer.

My interview

My interview

Last week when I went to visit my grandfather in Sevilla I saw two contestants of a program TV “Big Brother”; their names are Carlos and Gonzalo Montoya, they are twins.

I asked them if they liked that everybody knew them and they told me that sometimes it was tiring.

I asked them what was the best experience that they had had in the house and they told me that best experience had had been when they had entered the house for the first time.

I asked them what was their opinion of the program and they told me that it was the best program and told me to participate.

I asked them if they had felt uncomfortable  because of the cameras and they told me that when you have spent a week in the house you forget about the cameras.

I asked them if they wanted to continue on the TV and they told me now they wanted to spend time with their family.

That was my interview with the twins, I felt very happy because I love them.

Discussion essay

Oral exams are better than written exams

Many people think that oral exams are better than written exams.There are arguments both for and against them.

On the one hand, doing oral exams prepares students to be able to express better and to speak in public and not be afraid of talking in front of many people.

On the other hand, making oral exams is a difficulty for many people who have problems for talking in front of many people,  because they are nervous and the do not show all that they know or even they could be in white.

To sum up,I believe that the exams should be written as usual because it ies easier for everyone.

My favourite song

One of my favourite songs is Tiempos-Farruko 


Discussion essay

 Street market clothes against brand clothes

Nowadays many people because of the economic problems go to the street markets to buy clothes. These clothes are little valued because they have not a well-known brand even though they are nearly identical.

On the one hand, this kind of clothes is cheaper and you can find anything, shoes, bags, dresses, trousers, etc. Another advantage of street markets is that they are very large and can be found in almost every district.

On the other hand, in  street markets there are many people and some of them are thieves who use the opportunity to get some money. In addition most of these clothes are often stolen from shops and this means that they lost money.

To sum up,  the street markets are good places to buy clothes but we shouldn't abuse them.

Monday, June 10, 2013

My interview with Don Omar

A few years ago I went with my parents to Colombia and in those days there was a Don Omar's concert . He was my favourite singer and so  we went and we could make him an interview. I asked him some questions.

First, I asked him if he could give me an autograph and he give me a signed CD. Then I asked him how he had thought in to be a singer and he answered that he always had heard reguetton and he love it.

I wanted to know if he is flirting a lot and he said to me that this was true but he only loved his wife. I was very sad because I had lost my opportunity. After that I asked him if he knew how to dance his songs and he answered that he tried  but he couldn't do got it.

Finally, I asked him if he wanted to come to live to Spain and he told me that it was interesting but he couldn't because his family lived there.

My interview with Mario Vaquerizo

Last week at the Emperador Hotel, in Madrid, Mario and I met, at the moment we became friends. He arrived with his straight hair, his black leather jacket and a beer in his hand.
When we were sitting I asked him many things.
I asked him how he saw himself. He replied he saw himself as a good person too hippie, who loved peace and love and he said “What I want for me also I want for others”.
Then I asked him about his music group called Nancys and he said they would write a new different song  but also funny like the song called Peluquitas.
As I was also interested in the topic of love, I asked him about his marriage to Alaska, he told me that he is very sissy, but Alaska has been one of the best things that he has happened in his life.
Speaking a bit of him and his wife,  he also spoke about his TV program on MTV, he told me he loves the cameras and is making this program about his life where the people can enjoy themselves with his life.

To finish we drank a beer and we continued talking and sharing laughs together.

Are private schools better than state owned schools?

Many people have different points of view about what kind of education is better,  
Nowadays, in most developed countries there are thousands of schools or colleges to choose which can be private or public schools.

On the one hand,  state owned schools are free for everybody and they do not make exceptions with anyone. Besides, they help students to be in contact with all type of people and it will be the context which they will face in the future. Nonetheless, classes are too crowded.

On the other hand, private schools require a monthly payment which sometimes is very high. That is why students who study in private schools normally belong to families which have a high economic level. Nevertheless, private education is more personal, for example, students are allowed to choose other kind of subjects that they can consider "more practical". In addition, they are thought to put into practice what they learn, for example, by writing essays.

To sum up, education is an essential right for everyone, therefore, people should support a quality public education which prepares people for the near future. Moreover, state owned schools system should adapt to each student, and dedicate to them more personally.

My favourite songs

My favourite songs are "Gasolina" by Daddy Yankee and "Yo soy tu gatita" by La Factoria. I love these songs because when I  am sad, I hear them and I forget everything, it makes me want party and I dance it a lot .These song have been my favourite ones since I was a  child.

My interview.

Last weekend I went to  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for have an interview to Malcolm James McCormick known by his stage name Mac Miller. He is an American rapper.

I started the interview asking him at what point in his life he decided to dedicate his career to the music so he answered me that at first he did not take seriously to sing, but when he heard that hip-hop was like a job he took it seriously and he has not stopped since he was fifteen.

After I asked him which was the first song he recorded and with which record label and he asked that it was Rostrum Records and the first mixtape was the K.I.D.S in August 2010. He also told me that his first album was Blue Side Park that came out in November 2011.

Since I asked him if he has ever came to Spain and he answered yes, he came once to Madrid with a friend and he liked it very much, he told me that he would like to return soon and visit other cities in Spain.

Finally I asked him which song he believed that made him famous and his answer was Donald Trump.

I considered my interview finished here because I had to return to Granada. I really loved to make the interview because he was very nice and funny

Discussion Essay.

         Single-sex schools are better than mixed schools. 

Decades ago, single-sex education was the only way to go. Then, co-education became popular as we tried as a society to strive for equality of the sexes.

One advantage to be in single-sex schools is that the effort is appreciated, there is greater competition between students and they get better marks.

On the other hand, one of the disadvantages of single-sex school is that when a student from that type of school goes to a mixed school, they can have problems with the rest of the people. For example, one student at the university who has come from a single-sex school can find it strange to fit in with the classmates and talk with the other sex because they didn't use to do it.

To sum up, I think that mixed schools are the best choice for education because students can have relations and show their point of views between them