This term you have to read The Canterbury Tales. Of course, it is a reduced version for students of English.
Here you can find information about this important book in the history of English Literature. The Canterbury Tales -- Blog My class
If you try to find information In Google about the Canterbury Tales, you'll get more than 7 million results in 0.34 seconds.
The first entry is the Wikipedia. And then you will find all kinds of pages with versions, explanations, theories, games, articles, reviews, characters, images, films, songs.....
Here you have a list of some of the most important characters that appear in this book
- Knight
- Squire
- Countryman
- Nun
- Prioress
- The Nun's Secretary
- The Nun's Priest
- The Plowman
- Monk
- Friar
- Merchant
- Oxford Cleric
- Franklin
- Cook
- The Sea-Captain
- The Doctor
- The Wife of Bath
- The Miller
- Parson
- Summoner
- Pardoner
- Host
- Yeoman
Good luck!
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