Isidro said that he was 16 years old and that he had been born in Granada where he had lived all his life. He said that he lived with his parents and his sisters, who were older than him and his pets, two cats, in a flat.
I asked him what he did on Sundays and he answered that he spent his weekends with his friends. He also said that his favourite hobbies were listening to music, playing basketball and football. He added that he was very good at swimming and cooking. He said that he also liked reading and the last book that he had read was Tartufo. Isidro said that he could speak Spanish, English, French and a little German and he had been to Lisbon, France, Monaco, Italy and Tunisia.
The people he respected the most were his friends. Isidro said he preferred evenings to morning or afternoons and he liked sunsets more than sunrises. He said that he wouldn't like to be famous and he had met a famous person, Pablo Aguilar. He told me he hadn't worked in anything.
When I asked him about his parents, he described his father as nice, polite and very sensitive and he said his mother was beautiful, honest and very sensible. He said that he didn't like false people.
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