Teacher's Folders

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


The name of the country which I'm going to write about is Hungary. It’s a little republic (93.000 km2) in central Europe. Its inhabitants are called Hungarians, and their official language is the Hungarian. The Republic has a population of ten million people. The Capital city is Budapest.

Hungary borders with Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Austria. In Hungary, the currency used is the forint (one € is equivalent to 272 forints), but as a member of the European Union since 2004, they are trying to introduce the Euro in the next few years.

During the World War II, they fought on the German side. After the war, the country was under control of the Soviet Union. Their Capital city was originally two cities, Buda and Pest.

The country has some typical dishes and drinks, such as Hungarian salami and sweet wine, but its most famous dish is the ‘goulash’.

Hungary is a highly musical country whose traditional folk music inspired such great national composers as Liszt, Bartók and Kodály. Other famous Hungarians include Albert Albert Szent-Györgyi, who discovered the existence of Vitamin C, writer and Nobel Prizewinner Imre Kertész and Oscar-winning film director István Szabó. For me, the most famous person from Hungary is the former Real Madrid player Puskas (cañoncito pum), one of the best legs ever.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Antonio
    Good work
    I didn't know you liked football.
    Why didn't you say anything about the language of this country?
