Teacher's Folders

Monday, February 21, 2011


Population:4.4 million

Inhabitants: Croatians

Political system: Republic

Currency: Kuna

Borders: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia and Hungary

Area: 56542 km

Capital: Zagreb

Important cities: Split and Zadar.

Typical dish: Grilled meat and sheep's cheese.

Croatia is a fertile agricultural region, bordered by the rivers: Dambe, Sava and Drava.

It's also quite forested.

It had its origins from Roman, Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires.

Nowadays, Croatia is a candidate for the European Union.

I wouldn't mind living in Croatia, due to its beautiful landscapes.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Julia,
    I'm sure Croatia must be a very beautiful country.
    I would like to have more information about it.
