Teacher's Folders

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Does garlic-generated nitric oxide (NO) affect the physiology of pepper fruits?

Poster based on the experiment carried out by M del Mar Quesada and other students in IES P Manjon and IES F Ayala in collaboration with the Higher Council for Scientific Research in Granada (CSIC)
If you are really interested in knowing the answer to this question, you can ask M del Mar Quesada or any of the members of the group who have carried out their experiment on this issue during this 2012 edition of PIIISA Project. Or perhaps you can get more information in this blog:

Scientific Research by Young Students in Science, Technology and Humanities: PIIISA 2012

Some of the students who have participated in this project - Congratulations to all of them for their hard work!!

 Or tomorrow you can read the press where you'll find some photos and two or three articles about all the young people from many different High Schools in Granada who have participated in different experiments all enclosed in PIIISA project this year and who have received their prizes and diplomas at the Aula Magna (Science Faculty - Granada University) this morning.

Who are these important people sitting on the front row???

Or you can read their conclusions here:

Here is M del Mar, speaking in English,  and the whole group. She is thanking their teachers for their help. Thanks to you all!!!