Teacher's Folders

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Interview to my mother

My mom is a very important person in my life for that reason I decided to make an interview to her, she has influenced on my personality a lot and she is the person who has educated me the most.

Firstly I would like to know about the part that I do not know about her, her childhood. She said that when she was a child she had lived in Atarfe she had studied there and she had been always playing on the street. Then I asked her what she had wanted to be in life and my surprise was enormous when she answered that she had wanted to be a secret spy and she had invented a secret name "Lola". So I asked jokingly about her enemy and if she could give away secrets to him and she said very serious that her ?? her sister and the enemies were their elder brother. Every time that they shared a secret they had a big argument and my grandmother kept them without desserts for two months!

Finally I wanted to know something very important: Is it easy to work and be a housewife at the same time? She obviously said that it was not easy because women who had to work more than men. And for that reason my mom always spends more time with me and I have a lot of confidence in her.

After I thanked her for this and she hugged me. ^^ 

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