Teacher's Folders

Monday, March 18, 2013


The nationality of the inhabitants is Maltese. They have some lenguage like maltese ,ingles,italiano and the official lenguage of europe.
The political system of this country is republic.
 in this country the population is 1.276.0 people in 2011.
The situation of malta is in the mediterranan near of italia.

This country haven`t borders because its surrounded by the mediterranean sea.
The currency  of malta is euro.
Malta have got a total area of :

320  km2
 the capital city is la valeta and other important cities are :  Gozo and Comino (they are other isles).
The important historic facts: Malta had a lot of settlements like: Fenicios,Griegos,Cartagineses,Griegos and the most important conqueror was Napoleon until today.
One person famous of Malta is Joseph Calleja (singer) 
The food of this country is tipycal because have got a influency of Sicilia,some dishes typical are:
-Soppa tal-Armla
Malta is member of the european union.

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