Teacher's Folders

Monday, March 18, 2013

New Zealand

New Zealand

The Nacionality of its inhabitants is neozelandeses.
In this country spoke New Zealand English, Maori and sign language of New Zealand. The most widely used is the New Zealand English.
The political system of this country is an independent parliamentary democracy.
The number of population of New Zealand is about 4.327.944 people,
is located in the South Pacific near the American Southwest and east of australia

This country doesn't have borders is surrounded by the South Pacific Ocean.
Its currency is the New Zealand dollar.
The total land area amounts to 268,021 km ².
The capital city is Wellington, other important cities, other important cities are Island  Stewart and the island Chatham.
New Zealand and Polynesian settlements had had a treaty of Waitangi.

A famous New Zealand is the Melanie Lynskey

A typical breakfast consists of New Zealand cereal and toast with a cup of tea, lunch is usually something light because the main meal is dinner consisting of meat with vegetables and potatoes.

This country isn't a member of the European Union.

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