This is the blog for students of 1º Bachillerato A and B in Padre Manjón High School. We are in Granada (Spain)
Monday, November 9, 2009
There are more authorized voices and with more audience than me who are also fed up with such bad translations as the ones we can see in papers, magazines, television and news in general.
Javier Marias in EL PAIS SEMANAL gave a very long and interesting list of some of these so popular 'FALSE FRIENDS'.
You can read his list here:
"Sirva como ejemplo modesto la proliferación de falsos amigos, y eso que hay diccionarios para prevenirnos contra ellos. Obviamente, hay redactores de este diario (y por supuesto de otros) que ni los tienen ni los consultan, porque aún no se han enterado de que en inglés "extravagant" nunca significa "extravagante", sino "derrochador" o "despilfarrador"; de que "fastidious" es "puntilloso" o "meticuloso"; de que "dramatic", en bastantes contextos, no es "dramático", sino "espectacular"; de que "bizarre" no equivale a nuestro "bizarro", sino, como en francés, a "extraño" o incluso "estrafalario"; de que "to abuse" es "insultar" o "maltratar" muchas más veces que "abusar"; de que "anxiety" no significa "ansiedad", sino "angustia" (hace poco un crítico de Babelia se congratulaba de que por fin se hubiera traducido "fielmente" el título de una obra que contiene esa palabra, cuando precisamente ahora se ha traducido mal); de que "a stranger" no es "un extraño", sino "un desconocido" o el viejo "forastero" de las películas del Oeste; de que "miserable" quiere decir "desdichado"; de que "to remove" no es "remover", sino "quitar" o "sacar"; de que "ingenuity" e "intoxication" no son lo que parecen, sino "ingenio" y "embriaguez", y así decenas de casos más, que no se dan sólo en el inglés.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Here we are, AGAIN!!!
So this is it!! Here we are again. Back to school and back to hard life.
Try to be positive about all the new things you'll have to face in these first weeks of the school year. You'll get used to them soon. I do promise!!
See this video to have an idea of the things you'll learn in the English class this year. I'm sure this subject is going to be interesting and attractive for you and sometimes even funny. ;-)
Monday, July 6, 2009
Have a great summer!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Alba by LAzaro

My friend said to me that her name was Alba H. and she was 16 years old. She told me that she had been born in Granada, and she lived in a flat with her parents and her sisters, who were older than her. She said that she had one cat and two birds.
She said some interesting things about herself, like she loves colour pink or she loves shopping. She told me that her favourite food was pasta and rice and she liked dancing and going out with her friends.
The person she respected the most was her father and with her mother she had a bad relationship. She explained that she didn't like dishonest people.
She said that the last book that she had read was “Miguel y la cabra traidora” and finally she told me that she was very happy with her life.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
nuRiiaa :)

She told me she lived with her mother and she was middle of her four brothers and two sisters; she said she had a dog J
I asked her what she did on Sunday, and she answered she slept all day !!. She also said her hobbies were skiing and swimming. She added she was very good at swimming! She also said she the last book she had read was "El Quijote".
She told me she could speak English, French and Spanish and she had been to USA.
She said she didn't like false people. Nuria said she preferred evenings to mornings or afternoons and she liked sunsets more than sunrises.
She said she wouldn't like to be famous.
She told me she had worked as a baby sitter and as a teacher of English.
The person she respected the most was her father and the person who had influenced her the most was her best friend. When I asked her about her parents, she described her father as strict and she said her mother was nice.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
A good and simple person

He said he had no pets.
He explained that he had never met a famous person, and his favourite hobbies were swimming in the Arabial pool and playing guitar.
Pablo said that he hadn't done any jobs. He told me that his favourite food was pizza and he liked travelling and sleeping.He explained that his mother was friendly and his father was nice and he was the person who he respected the most.Pablo told me that he didn't like shy and insecure people.He said that the last book that he had read was “ The Reaper”.Finally he said that he preferred sunrises and sunsets.
By: Leopoldo
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tupac Shakur Amaru
The power of a gun can kill, and the power of fire can burn
The power of wind can chill, and the power of mind can learn
The power of anger, can raise inside until it tears you apart
But the power of a smile, especially yours, can heal a frozen heart
Saturday, June 13, 2009
She said that her mother was nice and she was the person who she respected the most. She told me that her father was loving.
She explained that she didn't like insensitive and dishonest people.
She said that "El Quijote" was the last book that she had read.
Finally she said that she liked so much sunsets but she didn't tell me the person that she wanted to stay with...(L)
The Master of Acoustic Guitar

McKee played his first guitar, an Aria nylon string bought by his father at age 13. McKee's electric guitar-playing cousin inspired him to continue learning, taking him out for his 16th birthday to see a guitarist named Preston Reed perform live at a clinic. McKee later bought an instructional videotape from Reed and began to learn more complex guitar techniques from it, also earning his GED (General Educational Development) that year in order to drop out of high school. He began to take influence from guitarists such as MichaelHedges and from Passion Session by Don Ross.
McKee released his second album, El Atrapasueños, in 2004. The album includes his cover of "Africa" , as well as "The Friend I Never Met", a song written in tribute to Michael Hedges. McKee used the track title to win the opportunity to perform with bassist Michael Manring, with whom he has since toured. Additionally, he placed second in the Fingerstyle Guitar Competition of the Canadian Guitar Festival that year.The album was later re-released by McKee's label in response to the popularity he garnered on YouTube.
Martin's return

Pablo Martin Escabias said he was 16 years old and that he had been born in Granada. He told me he lived with his parents and his brother, who was younger than him. He said him that he had studied in Compañía de María and that he was new in the Manjon school.
He hadn't pets, however he likes dogs.
He also said his favourite hobbies were going out with his friends and playing football. He told me he could speak English and Spanish, because French is hard for him. He added he had never been abroad.
The person he respected the most was his mother and the person who had influenced him the most was his father.
He said he didn't like talkative people. Pablo said he preferred evenings and he liked sunrises. He said he wouldn't like to be famous, but yes rich. He told me he had never worked. I asked him about love, he didn't tell me anything.
By Naftor (Pablo G)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
He said that his favourite hobby is riding his bike.
He said that the last book he had read was Love Actually. He told me he spoke Spanish.
Carlos told me he had traveled to Ronda, Madrid, Cordoba, Malaga...
I asked him what he did on Sundays and he answered he usually slept, relaxed, etc...
Carlos said he would like to be famous.
He told me he had never worked.
When I asked him about his parents, he said his parents are nice and friendly.
He said he preferred afternoons to mornings and he liked sunsets.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009

Alejandro said he was 17 years old and that he had been born in
He said that his favourite hobby is playing football. He said he didn’t like reading so the last book he
had read was “Teacher man” because he had to!
He told me he speak Spanish. Alejandro told me he had been to
I asked him what he did on Sundays and he answered he was sleeping all day!!!
The people he respected the most was his parents and the person who had influenced him the most was his father.
He said he preferred evenings and he liked sunsets more than sunrises.
Alejandro said he would like to be famous and he had never met a famous person. He told me he had never worked.
When I asked him about his parents, he said his parents are friendly.
Alejandro by Roberto
marTitaa =)

Marta said that she was 18 years old and that she had been born in Granada. She said that she lived with her parents. She said that she had a younger brother . She told me that she had lived in a flat since she was nine years old. She told me that she had got a cat. She also said that her favourite hobbies were playing with the wii and singing. She told me that the last movie that she had seen was Angels or Demons. She said that she loved to eat Chinese food, and she said that she loved cooking. She told me that her favourite sport was football. She said that she spoke English and Spanish.
She told me about her parents, she said that her father was nice and sympathetic and her brother was very crazy. Finally she told me that she loved sunsets.
rociio perez
Elisa Clara

Elisa said she was 17 years old and that she had been born in Granada. She told me that she had lived in Granada since she was eleven years old and she told me that she lived with her parents and her sister who was older than her.
I asked her what she did do Sundays and she answered that she spent her weekends with her friends and she preferred evenings to afternoons. She also said that her favourite hobbies were swimming, playing paddle and playing the piano. She added that she was very good at cooking and swimming.
Elisa said that she could speak Spanish, English and French and she had been to four countries.
The people that she respected the most were her parents.
She said that she didn’t like false people.
Elisa said that she liked sunsets more than sunrises. She added that she wouldn’t like to be famous and she had never met a famous person.
Luis by Alejandro

He told me that he lived with his parents and his sisters. He told me that he had an older sister. He said that he had a cat.
He also said that his favourite hobbies were football and basketball.
I asked him what he did on Sundays and he answered that he slept all day. He added that he was very good at swimming in summer.
He told me that the last book he had read was Teacher Man.
Luis told me that he could speak Spanish and English and he had been to France and Czech Republic.
He said that he preferred evenings to morning of afternoons and he liked sunsets more than sunrises. Luis said he wouldn’t like to be famous and he had never met a famous person.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Roberto by Daniel

I asked him what he did on Sunday, and he answered he used to sleep. He also said his hobbies were going out with his friends, listening to music, going to parties and drinking (?).
He added he was very good at cooking and singing! He also said he had read “The Teacher Man”. He told me he could speak English, French and Spanish and he had been to Tunisia, France and Italy.
The person he respected the most is her grandmother and the person who had influenced him the most was a friend of his father's.He said he didn't like liar people.
Roberto said he preferred evenings and he liked sunsets more than sunrises.He said he wouldn't like to be famous.He told me he had worked in a farm and as a waiter.
When I asked him about his parents, he described his father as sympathetic,friendly, always in good mood and he said his mother was always in good mood too!!
Rocio Ro by Laura
Rocio said that she prefered the afternoons and she liked sunsets more than sunrises. She said to me that she could speak English and Spanish and she said that she hadn't worked in anything. Rocio described her father as honest and her mother as very funny.
She told me that she liked basketball.
Pilar!! ;D

She told me that she lived in Granada where she had lived all her life. Now she lives with her husband (who is a teacher in my high school). And she said that in her family she had four sisters and three brothers, and that she was in the middle of them.
Doña Pilar said that her father had died, but he had been the most influential person in her life, and that her mother was a hard-working person, a bit ironic and serious too.
She said that she had been studying English since she was four years old, but I’m not sure this was true. She had learnt to speak French too. She told me that she had visited France, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, Germany, Morocco and Tunisia.
She said that she wasn’t very tall, because she was only 1,62 m tall She told me that when she was a child she liked and dreamed to be famous, so she was happy when she later met the famous actress Victoria Abril.
On her hobbies, she said that she loved cycling in her mountain bike. She told me that she was very bad at swimming and singing. On the contrary, she was good at taking photos. She told me that her favourite food was paella, but she wasn’t good at cooking. She said that she was fond of reading and that the last book she had read was “Anatomía de un instante”.
She told me that, before teaching, she had done some other jobs, as cleaning rooms in a hotel. She said that she hated people who were lazy, although she was most respectful with everybody.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Isidroo !!

Isidro said that he was 16 years old and that he had been born in Granada where he had lived all his life. He said that he lived with his parents and his sisters, who were older than him and his pets, two cats, in a flat.
I asked him what he did on Sundays and he answered that he spent his weekends with his friends. He also said that his favourite hobbies were listening to music, playing basketball and football. He added that he was very good at swimming and cooking. He said that he also liked reading and the last book that he had read was Tartufo. Isidro said that he could speak Spanish, English, French and a little German and he had been to Lisbon, France, Monaco, Italy and Tunisia.
The people he respected the most were his friends. Isidro said he preferred evenings to morning or afternoons and he liked sunsets more than sunrises. He said that he wouldn't like to be famous and he had met a famous person, Pablo Aguilar. He told me he hadn't worked in anything.
When I asked him about his parents, he described his father as nice, polite and very sensitive and he said his mother was beautiful, honest and very sensible. He said that he didn't like false people.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Daaani =)

Dani said he was 17 years old and that he had been born in Granada. But since he was a baby he had lived in a house in Peligros.He told me he lived with his parents and his sister and his brother, who was younger than him and he was older than her. He had an iguana.I asked him what he did on Sunday, and he answered he was sleep. He also said his hobbies were go out with his friends.He added he was very good at cooking!
He also said he did read “treat or trick”.He told me he could speak English, French and Spanish and he had been to France and England.The person he respected the most was his mother and the person who had influenced him the most was his mother again.He said he didn't like liar people. Dani said he preferred evenings and he liked sunsets more than sunrises.He said he wouldn't like to be famous.He told me he had worked in a farm.When I asked him about his parents, he described his father as sympathetic and he said his mother was the best in the world.
Martita :D
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Nacho :D
He told me he lived with his parents and his sister, who was younger than him and he said he had a brother too, who was older than him. He had a fish... :)
I asked him what he did on Sunday, and he answered he went out with his girlfriend. He also said his hobbies were playing football and watch "Dragon Ball". He loved Goku!:D
He added he was very good at cooking, playing football and swimming!He also said he didn't like reading so the last book he had read was "Teacher Man".
He told me he could speak English, French and Spanish and he had been to Portugal but he hadn't been to Italy, Tunisia or France.
He said he didn't like liar people. Nacho said he preferred evenings to mornings or afternoons and he liked sunsets more than sunrises.
He said he wouldn't like to be famous. Nacho had met Cañizares and Valdano the previous summer.
He told me he had worked as a bartender.
The person he respected the most was his father and the person who had influenced him the most was his grandmother. When I asked him about his parents, he described his father as charming and hard-working and he said his mother was nice.

He is Nacho =)
Monday, June 1, 2009
She said that she lived with her parents and her sister, who was older than her, and her pet, a cat called Leo in a flat near the school.
I asked her what she did on Sundays and she answered that she spent her weekends sleeping and studying! She also said that her favourite hobbies were cooking, eating (mainly pasta and pizza), cycling and playing volleyball.
She added that she was very good at swimming and shopping!!. She told me that she also liked reading and the last book that she had read was 'El Mercado y la Globalización'.
Gema said that she could speak Spanish, English and French and she had been to Portugal but she hadn't been to France or Great Britain.
The people she respected the most were her parents and her teachers, and the person who had influenced her the most was a former best-friend.
Gema said she preferred evenings to morning or afternoons and she liked sunsets more than sunrises.
She said that she wouldn't like to be famous and she had never met a famous person.
She told me she had worked as a waitress and as a baby sitter.
When I asked her about her parents, she described her father as nice, friendly and hard-working and she said her mother was hard-working too but more serious than her father.
Ah! She said that she didn't like stupid people and neither do I!!!
I don't know whether Gema has a boyfriend or not and I ignore her plans for the future.
I think Gema is a nice hard-working girl and I'm sure she will be a great woman in the future.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Padre Manjon - A Serious Profile

I just mention all this because I'm going to write about Padre Manjón, not the school, but the man.
Here is some information about 'Priest Manjón' that I've found in Internet.
Between 1889 and 1923, Andrés Manjón, priest and Law professor in Granada, carried out his pedagogic work in Ave-María Schools, which he founded, among the poorest children of Albaicín and Sacromonte. His peculiar pedagogical and methodological principles, similar in many ways to those developed by the emerging Active School, also known as École Nouvelle, arise from his desire to regenerate the decadent society of the time by means of education and especially from the love and respect he professed towards childhood. In his schools, Manjón practiced an outdoor, lively, ludic, active, physical, intellectual, moral and religious teaching, aimed at achieving a whole education in order to raise “upright” men and women, prepared for life in society. His strong religious believes made him base this particular pedagogical work on christian values, and so moral and religious education became the centre of all his school teaching. A. Manjón made use of all subjects in order to achieve his objective. Even in such a “dry” and “abstract” discipline as Mathematics he found means and resources to introduce the social, ethical and religious applications that characterize his work. In this paper, we describe some of the strategies used by the founder of Ave-María Schools to teach Arithmetic and Geometry as well as inculcate moral, social and religious values at the same time. Although the example that Manjón´s peculiar value education provides is inevitably conditioned to his historical, social and personal circumstances, nowadays it can inspire some ideas to deal with values such as peace, tolerance and solidarity in Mathematics classes.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Hi ! I am Pablo :)
2nd How old are you? I'm sixteen years old.
3rd Where were you born? I was born in Granada
4th What's your phone number? Don't worry, I'll phone you ;)
5th Where do you live? In Granada
6th How long have you lived there? All my life.
7th Who do you live with? With my parents and my brother.
8th Do you have brothers and sister? Yes, I've got a brother.
9th Are they older or younger than you? He's older than me.
10th Do you live in a house or a flat? I live in a flat.
11th Have you ever met a famous person? No
12th How long have you been studying English? Nine years ago.
13th How tall are you? I think that 1.82m...
14th What are your hobbies? I swim all weeks in Arabial swimming pool and I play the classic guitar.
15th What countries have you visited? I've visited France & Italy
16th What do you do on Sundays? I sleep all day :D
17th Have you got any pets? No, I haven't
18th What was the last book you read? "The reaper" of Terry Pratch.
19th What's your favourite food? Pizza!
20th Are you good at cooking/swimming/singin? I'm good swimming.
21th What kind of people do you not like? The shy person, they're boring!
22th What languages do you speak? Granaíno and English
23th What two tinhgs could you not do when you were a child, but you can do now? I can see the sunrise.
24th What's something you do well? I play the guitar nice!
25th What's your father like? What's your mother like? I'm like my mother.
26th Which sports do you like? Swimming.
27th Who do you respect the most? The homeless and they little fashionable stay life.
28th Who has had the most influence in your life? All people
29th Would you like to be famous? No, I prefer being simply I
30th When do you feel best? In the morning, afternoon or evening? In the evening, of course! 31th What jobs have you done? I've never worked.
32th Which do you prefer, sunrises or sunsets? I like both of them, like these:
Unforgettable cruise... :D
Post created by Naftor (Pablo G)
More Profiles
The Prime Minister's Driver by Ana
Karl by Alejandro
Joanna by Alba
DJ Mike by Lázaro
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Do we not realize that we are polluting our planet?

Sunday, May 17, 2009
If I were a Boy
If I were a boy, Even just for a day.
I'd roll out of bed in the morning and throw on want
I wanted and go.
I'd drink beer with the guys
And chase after girlsI'd kick it with who I wanted
And I never get confronted for it
Because they stick up for me
If I were a boy I'd think I could understand
How it feels to love a girlI swear
I'd be a better man
I'd listen to her
Cuz I know how it hurts
When u lose the one you wanted
Cuz his taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
If I were a boy
I would turn off my phone
Tell everyone it's broken
So they think
That I was sleeping alone I'd put myself first
And make the rules as I go
Cause I know that
She be faithful
Waiting for me to come home (COME HOME)
If I were a boy
I'd think I could understand
How it feels to love a girlI swear
I'd be a better man
I'd listen to her
Cuz I know how it hurts
When u lose the one you wanted
Cuz his taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
It's a little too late for you to come back
Say it's just a mistake think I would forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you, you thought wrong
But you're just a boy
You don't understand
How it feels to love a girl
Someday you wish you're were a better man
You don't listen to her
You don't care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
Cuz you taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed!
But you just a boy.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
See you later, Antonio Vega. We´ll miss you!
One of our best singers in Spain (Madrid) died two days ago.
The cause of his death was a lung cancer.

He has had a successful life.
When he was 51 years old, he left us only with his songs.
Everyone will remember this song from the 80´s.
"La chica de ayer"
Jack and Betty are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.
-" Betty, I was wondering: have you ever cheated on me? "
-" Oh Jack, why would you ask such a question now? "
-" Please, Betty, I really want to know. "
-" Well, all right. Yes, three times."
-" Three? When were they?"
-" Well, Jack, remember when you were 35 and you really wanted to start the business on your own and no bank would give you a loan? Remember how one day the bank president himself came over to the house and signed the loan papers, no questions asked? "
-"Oh, Betty, you did that for me! I respect you even more than ever! So, when was number 2? "
-" Well. Jack, remember when you had that last heart attack and you were needing that tricky operation, and no surgeon would touch you? Remember how Dr Edwards suddenly decided to do the surgery himself, and then you were in good shape again? "
-" I can't believe it! Betty, I love that you should do such a thing for me, to save my life! I couldn't have a more wonderful wife. You must really love me, darling! I couldn't be more moved. When was number 3? "
-" Well, Jack, remember a few years ago, when you really wanted to be president of the golf club and you were 17 votes short?
Removed from the magazine SPEAK UP!
if i were a boy
I have chosen this song because there are sentences in conditional and we are studiying it in class now.
I like this song!
If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I´d be a better man

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Love is all around:)First term!

I feel it in my toes
The love that's all around me
And so the feeling grows
It's written on the wind
It's everywhere I go (oh, yes it is)
So if you really love me
Come on and let it show
You know I love you, I always will
My mind's made up, by the way that I feel
There's no beginning,
There'll be no end
'Cause on my love, you can depend
Do you remember Love Actually?
I love this song! :-)

when i saw this picture my heart broke....but when i read the story I almost broke down and cried.
This picture shows a child crawling towards a Unites Nations food camp, located a kilometer away.The vulture is waiting for the child to die so that it can eat it. This picture shocked the whole world. No one knows hat happend to the child, including the photographer Kevin Carter who left the place as soon as the photograph was taken.
Kevin Crter won the " Pulitzer prize" with this amazing picture which broke a lot of hearts.
Three months later he commited suicide due to depression.
Why would he save that child? Thats a question no one ever wants to find out....
The river “Velillos” flows close to my village
Monday, May 11, 2009
I have chosen this song because it has in its lyrics some grammar tenses that we've studied this year. I hope you will all like it. If you want to listen to the song and read all the lyrics, click here: